Besides, another Rs 96.51 crore have been collected by the Bangalore International Airport Limited (BIAL), the joint venture company which operates the Kempegowda International Airport, in the period between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2015 on account of facilitation component of PSF, Minister of State for Civil Aviation Mahesh Sharma said in a written reply.
Sharma said that as per the AERA (Airports Economic Regulatory Authority) order, the facilitation component of the PSF has been discontinued at major airports and merged with the User Development Fee (UDF).
The security component of the PSF is collected to meet the expenditure on security services provided by Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), which provides security at all the airports inline with the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) guidelines.
The Minister said that the expenditure incurred by the AAI on passenger facilitation in the last three years stood at Rs 1,515.52 crore in the year 2012-13, Rs 1,752.28 crore in 2013-14 and Rs 1,1718.63 crore in 2014-15.
Sharma said security, baggage trolleys, comfortable cushion chairs, escalators, travelators, air-conditioning in terminal, conveyor belt system, among others, are some of the services provided to the air travellers.