AAI increased its revenue figure by about 15 per cent, thereby achieving a net post-tax profit of Rs 796.36 crore, AAI Member (Finance) S Suresh said, adding that the net profit had registered a growth of 8.3 per cent.
He said the public sector airports body has targeted a 20 per cent reduction in its expenditure figure and indicated various measures through which this could be achieved.
At a recent meeting chaired by AAI Chairman Alok Sinha, Member (Planning) S Raheja stressed the need for building a large number of airports across the country, especially low- cost ones, at a time when air travel was growing in leaps and bounds.
The AAI chief stressed that continuous drive should be carried out to enhance customer services at the airports, saying that airport service quality (ASQ) should be adhered to as an index for customer satisfaction.
An action plan would be drawn up to improve the standard of customer services at AAI's airports, with a core team of officers regularly monitoring the parameters, an AAI spokesperson said.