Aamir, who is busy shooting for his upcoming release "Dangal", which is being directed by Ashwiny's husband Nitesh, posted on Twitter, "Saw Nil Battey Sannata. Inspiring, moving, uplifting! Great film! Outstanding performances! A must watch! Love."
"I was surprised he tweeted about the trailer. I want to know what he has written. I don't have his number also. He was aware about my film as my husband Nitesh (director) is working with him on 'Dangal'," Ashwiny told PTI.
Prior to making this movie, Ashwiny was an ad filmmaker and she wanted to take ahead her passion of telling stories through a larger medium.
"I want to tell stories that make a difference. It is the need of the hour for a country like ours. I think if the story appeals to the audience, then it doesn't matter who the star or what the budget is," she said.
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"I have faith in my film as it has a great story. I don't want to fail as a director in telling stories," she said.
"The one line basic idea (for 'Nil Battey Sannata') came from my husband Nitesh. Then I worked on it with my co-writers.
"I have been involved with Nitesh in his projects. But I am not part of 'Dangal', I helped with production design, costumes, etc," she said.
"Nil Battey Sannata", the family entertainer starring Swara Bhaskar, Ratna Pathak Shah and others, opens in theatres on April 22.
The film's trailer was launched yesterday.