The Delhi Traffic Police has issued around 2,000 challans for violation of traffic rules on the Singature Bridge between November 6 and 20, police said Saturday, hours after an AAP MLA alleged that no police personnel has been deployed on the newly inaugurated bridge.
Twelve traffic police personnel are deployed at the bridge and its approach road on the Khajuri side from 8 am to 8 pm, police said while asserting that they were making efforts to make Signature Bridge safer for commuters.
Earlier in the day, AAP MLA Saurabh Bhardwaj tweeted, "Has @LtGovDelhi suspended DCP Traffic for failing to deploy traffic police at Signature bridge? After two young boys death due to over speeding on bike without wearing helmets, what was the due diligence on part of Police? NOTHING !!! (sic)"
He also tweeted in Hindi, "Is Signature Bridge not a part of Delhi? Has Pakistan or Burma government built it? Where were Delhi Traffic constable? After two deaths, the Delhi Police is sleeping. Delhi Police seeing the death of youngsters. Sometimes, there is menace of eunuchs and at other times, traffic violations (sic)."