Reading out the copy of the FIR, the party's Delhi unit convenor Dilip Pandey accused the police of naming just one accused in its report, even when "three people including the mother of those who stabbed the girl were involved".
"The FIR has name of just one accused. Why has the police not named the second accused in the case and their mother? Is the police hiding something? Have they taken bribe in the case?" said Pandey.
The party also alleged that there were several people who were present at the time of the incident, but the Delhi Police said there was no one who witnessed the event.
"The police is expected to take their custody. But in this case, they allowed the accused to be sent to judicial custody. This shows that the police is not serious in pursuing the case," he said.
The party also renewed its demand to hand over the control of the Delhi Police to the state government.
Incidentally, the AAP and the Delhi Police have been at loggerheads, and has increased its attack on the law enforcing agency after the arrest of its two MLAs, including former law minister Jitendra Singh Tomar.