Addressing the traders, who paid a minimum of Rs 20,000 to have lunch with Kejriwal and a selfie, the former chief minister of Delhi reiterated the party's stand that his government will put an end to the 'raid-raj'.
"I am not saying that there won't be any raid when my government would come. But there would be no 'raid raj' and raids would be conducted only after getting consent of senior-most authorities," he said.
Lashing out at Delhi BJP chief Satish Upadhyay, Kejriwal said, "I am still maintaining that there were no raids in my regime and whatsoever figure he is procuring through RTI, I have no reason to believe it. The better part of truth is that there were no raids.
He also accused the Haryana government of being a puppet of the Centre.
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"In the last four months, since BJP government has taken guard in Haryana, all the traders are sulking and as their projects have got stuck. It is just because Haryana government has become a puppet of central government and it has to get the consent for every approval from Delhi bosses," Kejriwal said.
He also appealed to the traders to donate money as an "investment for the future of the country".
This is the second fund-raising meal organised by the traders wing. The earlier one fetched Rs 50 lakh.