Punjab BJP vice president Rajinder Mohan Singh Chhina alleged that Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Congress were raking up "unnecessary and fake issues" relating to the Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA).
He said Jaitley was a man of integrity and clean public image and the attack on him was due to political reasons. He claimed it was Jaitley who cleaned the administration and improved the sports facilities under the DDCA.
"The opposition parties are aspiring to attack him (Jaitley) to seek political mileage. But politics should not stoop to this level which is unhealthy for the country," he said
Chhina also lashed out at Kirti Azad. "The allegations pertain to UPA regime and if there were malpractices why he remained silent and now he is trying to target his own senior party leader," asked Chhina, adding that Kirti was "playing into the hands" of opposition due to certain "personal grudge" against Jaitley.