AAP said BJP had run a campaign against it over the issue during Delhi assembly polls and "misled" the people of the national capital and the country.
"May I ask the Finance Minister of the country (Arun Jaitley) and top leaders of BJP who have been saying that we have been caught red handed and are involved in money laundering?
"Will they apologise to the nation for misleading the people of Delhi and maligning the image of AAP," senior AAP leader Ashutosh said.
The Home Ministry had in its report said that eight people with foreign addresses made donations to AAP and their passport numbers as mentioned in the contribution report of Election Commission were checked and it was found that they possess Indian passports and NRIs holding Indian passports are not a foreign source.
Meanhwile, in a seperate notice to the party on February 9- a day before the Delhi assembly poll vote-counting- the party was hit by a controversy over a donation of Rs 2 crore it had got by cheques from alleged shell companies. It was also served with a notice from the Income Tax department.