AAP leader and national spokesperson Preeti Sharma Menon and others were accompanied by the mother of Asif Shaikh, one of the victims, and his uncle Oomer Shaikh during the meeting.
"The commissioner assured us that justice will be done. He said we must have faith as a senior IPS officer is conducting the inquiry. But I feel that police version of conducting an investigation is only a farce...Because victims' statements have not been recorded so far," said Sharma.
The AAP delegation demanded that this officer be suspended and victims' statement be recorded in the presence of some independent, respectable persons, Sharma added.
Police had not recorded the statements of the victims Asif and Danish, or that of Asif's uncle who was present in the police station for hours trying to get medical care for Asif, Sharma alleged.
The state government wasn't taking the issue seriously, she said.
On Saturday, Mahim residents Asif Shaikh (19) and Danish Shaikh (19) were allegedly picked up by the Bandra police and beaten up brutally. The victims also alleged that one of the policemen asked them to "go to Pakistan".