BJP leader Arun Jaitley said the Kejriwal government had no imaginative policy about governance and public welfare and it was only interested in "cheap popularity" through "gimmickry".
He said most of the AAP MLAs were inexperienced, lacked maturity, had an agitational approach and were foreign to any form of governance.
"I have no doubt in saying that this was the worst ever state government that Delhi has seen... Thank God, the nightmare is over," Jaitley told reporters while commenting on the resignation of Chief Minister Kejriwal last night.
Claiming that "clever politics and no governance" appeared to be the motto of the AAP government during its 49 days, he said, "It was a government without an agenda and without an ideology. It was a government committed to populism and demagogue."
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He said, "It was a government without an agenda and without an ideology. It was a government committed to populism and demagogue."
Jaitley said while BJP was a bigger party in the Delhi assembly, AAP had no qualms in "shamelessly" accepting the Congress support in order to prove the majority. "This was a government without a mandate. It had only 28 seats."