AAP leader Saurabh Bharadwaj Wednesday lashed out at Union Minister for Urban Affairs Hardeep Puri over "delaying" a scheme proposed by the Delhi government to provide free rides to women passengers.
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation had on Wednesday sent a report on the scheme to the AAP government, seeking at least eight months' time to make necessary preparations, including seeking approval from the fare-fixation committee, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said Wednesday.
"Now, Delaying this scheme In era of 'ease of doing business', Govt boasts about 'Digital India', a software update should not take even 2 weeks If DMRC cannot do it,let me know, I am a qualified software developer, I will do for free," Bharadwaj tweeted.
The DMRC had said that will later put into effect the long-term plan, which will involve changing the system software, tokens and cards.