Although Singh lost to BJP's Pravesh Verma by a margin of 2,68,586 votes, he claims that the other two Jarnail Singhs -- who together bagged 90,682 votes -- queered the pitch for him.
The AAP candidate, who himself polled 3,82,809 votes, said, "Two Jarnail Singhs, one with the symbol of a shuttlecock and another with the torch symbol, bagged 84,722 and 5,960 votes, respectively. That confused the voters.
The AAP candidate also alleged that the torch and shuttlecock symbols were identical to his party's broom symbol.
In an interview to PTI earlier this year, AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal had also talked about similar symbols in the 2013 Delhi elections, claiming it had led to confusion in Assembly segments like Kalkaji and resulted in defeat for the AAP candidate.