The Abhishek-owned franchise won the inaugural edition of the Kabaddi championship last year. This year's edition starts tomorrow evening with Jaipur Pink Panthers taking on U Mumba in the metropolis.
Speaking at an event here this evening, Abhishek said Aaradhya, who will turn four in November, is all excited about the tournament.
"She has already learnt to do the high five," the 39- year-old Bollywood star said, referring to their style of cheering when the players score a point.
"He will also be singing the National Anthem live at the opening match between Jaipur Pink Panthers and U Mumba. It's going to be a really proud moment for all of us," he said.
Abhishek has a busy schedule as his next film "All Is Well" is slated to release on August 21 but he will be present to cheer his team.