A delegation of Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch (AARM), led by former Rajya Sabha MP of CPI(M) Brinda Karat, today met Mukherjee and requested him not to approve the Bill, which has been cleared by both the Houses of Parliament.
"We requested the President to not give his assent to the Bill which is set to affect tribals badly," Karat told reporters after the meeting.
"The Select Committee of Rajya Sabha (which examined the Bill) did not consult representatives of tribals from the mineral rich districts which are directly affected by the amendments," Karat said, adding procedure followed by Centre in getting the Bill cleared also violated the federal structure as state governments were not consulted over the issue.
The members of delegation also brought to the notice of the President that Tribal Advisory Council (TAC) in Fifth Schedule States, which are mandated to be consulted on all major issues affecting tribal communities, too were not taken into confidence before the Bill was framed.
She further said the Mines and Minerals Bill also ignored provisions made in the Forest Rights Act, PESA Act and Wild Life Protection Act which mandate process for recognition of rights before any relocation, compensation packages for tribals with consent, protection of traditional rights amongst others.