The gang had demanded a ransom of Rs 5 lakh from the family of the boy who studies in class 5. However, they were nabbed by a police team from nearby area of Bawana railway station after the victim's family approached the police. The victim was safely rescued from their clutches.
As per Additional Commissioner of Police (Outer) Sanjay Kumar, the gang members were identified as Sudhir, Bharat Yadav, Anil and a juvenile. Anil is the kingpin of the gang. A case has been lodged in the matter.
Anil took him to an abandoned house and confined him and made a ransom call of Rs five lakh to the victim's family. However, when they were refused the money, they threw the boy into a canal but he swam out of it, police said.
The official said Bharat was earlier arrested by police under the Arms Act for keeping a country-made pistol.