Abdullah has announced a reward of Rs five lakh for J&K cricketer Parveez Rasool in recognition of his outstanding performances both at the national and international level, chairman JKCA media committee Ranjeet Kalra said tonight.
Abdullah in a message to Parveez, who is all set to play in the IPL for Pune Warriors team, has expressed happiness on his impressive performance this season.
"I am extremely happy at your brilliant all round performance for the J&K side and the other top teams like India A that you have represented in the recent past," Abdullah said .
Abdullah later in the evening also spoke to Parverz on phone at Pune and wished him good luck.
The JKCA will soon organise a function where Parveez and the J&K under-19 team will be rewarded for their for their very good performance this season, Kalra said.