Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) released its manifesto that promises to make girl students feel secure inside the campus by conducting self defence training camps, police booths, women police staff, a mobile app and regular police patrolling.
"To make girl students more self confident we would organise self defence training in various colleges and university campus. We would try for the provision of a police booth near every hostel/college and make sure that there are female police staffs are present at every booth," it said.
The right-wing students body also said it would demand insurance for students upto Rs 5 lakhs with a premium of Rs 1 per day.
To solve issues on campus, the ABVP said it would form a governing body - with one student representative from every college - to meet from time to time to ensure the smooth functioning of the administration and discuss issues.