ADG of ACB Mukesh Gupta said that searches were conducted at the premises of Registrar of Ravishankar University K K Chandrakar, Joint Director of Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission Hareram Sharma, Additional Director of Nagrik Apurti Nigam Dayamani Minj, CMO of Ghargoda Municipal Council Arun Sharma, Executive Engineer of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) Shubhnarayan Pathak, Bilaspur Municipality CEO Suresh Barua and Engineer of PMGSY Arvind Rahi and SDO of Irrigation Department Anil Rahi.
ACB also found that Pathak owned three houses in Bilaspur, a plot of land in Chatidih and a hotel at Balia in UP.
Chandrakar was found to possess two houses and fixed deposits of Rs 40 lakh and 20 acres land.
ACB also seized documents of a restaurant, 17 plots of land and a three-storeyed building from the house of Arvind Rahi.
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ACB seized documents of four houses and 20 acre farm house from the woman official Dayamani Minj, in addition to jewellery and FDs of Rs 60 lakh.
Police also raided the house of Manoj, the driver of Abhay Barua, who is Suresh's son and seized a German-made pistol. Manoj told the ACB that the pistol belonged to Abhay.
The anti-graft agency also seized documents of two houses and a complex of 12 shops from the house of Arun Sharma.
They also recovered papers of three houses and plots of land from the residence of Hareram Sharma. The ACB also found that Sharma had invested some money in coal business through his brother.