The tribunal directed Uttar Pradesh state road transport corporation (UPSRTC) to pay Rs 19.62 lakh along with interest to the kin of Chhote Lal, who died in April last year after the bus hit his bicycle.
"From the evidence..., it is proved that the bus driver caused the death of the deceased (Lal) by rash and negligent driving of the offending vehicle," MACT Presiding Officer Sanjay Sharma said.
The man's family, in the petition seeking compensation, said the accident took place near a traffic signal in Ghazipur in east Delhi on April 9 last year when Lal was riding the bicycle and Manoj Kumar was a pillion rider.
Both the injured were taken to hospital where Lal died the next morning and a criminal case was lodged against the bus driver.
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While the bus driver denied involvement of the offending vehicle and the accident, UPSRTC contended that the accident had taken place due to negligence of the bicycle rider who tried to jump red light and lost control and fell down and sustained injuries.
It said it has been proved that the bus had hit the bicycle in the middle of the road and the driver had not stated why he could not avert the collision.
"The driver was driving the offending vehicle on a high- speed and therefore could not avoid collision with the bicycle...," the tribunal said.