A division bench of justices V K Tahilramani and Shalini Phansalkar-Joshi dismissed the appeal filed by 32-year-old Uttareshwar Ramchandra Devkar, challenging a sessions court order of January 2010 convicting and sentencing him to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife Vandana.
According to the prosecution, Pune resident Devkar and his wife were married for over 10 years and had a daughter. The couple had frequent quarrels over Devkar's alleged illicit relations with several women.
On June 10, 2009, the accused murdered Vandana by smothering her with a towel. He then took Vandana to her matrimonial house in a rickshaw and claimed that she fell off the cot and lost consciousness. Vandana was then rushed to hospital where she was declared dead.
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The court, after perusing the evidence, observed that there is no merit in the appeal filed by Devkar.
"The present case is based on circumstantial evidence. The accused had motive and was with the deceased alone in the house. In such a situation the onus is on the accused to explain how the deceased sustained injuries and died," the court said.
"We find that there is sufficient evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the appellant committed murder of his wife Vandana," the court said recently while upholding Devkar's conviction.