The student Baiju K Balakrishnan, who was driving the open jeep which had mowed down the 20 year-old student appeared before police here after he reached the capital from Kodaikanal and Madurai where he was in hiding after the incident, police said.
The accused, who was later arrested, was questioned by police about those others in the vehicle.
Police had summoned parents and brother of Baiju, the first accused in the case, from Kannur district, to put pressure on him following which the surrender took place.
The incident had occurred at the college campus on August 20 during 'Onam' celebrations. At least 15 students were in the open jeep when it went out of control and hit 20-year-old Thasni Basheer, who was on her way to the hostel.
The girl, who suffered serious injuries in the incident, succumbed the next day.
Police had registered a case against 12 students for culpable homicide not amounting to murder.