Delhi Social Welfare Minister Rajendra Pal Gautam Monday directed district magistrates to take strict action against agents at Aadhaar enrolment centres who "harass" those seeking to update their personal details in the document.
The minister said the postal department, banks and district offices hire staff on a contract basis for Aadhaar enrolment and to update information in the document.
Every time an Aadhaar card holder visits a permanent enrolment centre at banks, post offices or district offices to update their personal details, agents charge Rs 50 from them, Gautam claimed.
"We have been receiving a lot of complaints from people alleging harassment at the hands of the contractual staff who would deliberately introduce mistakes in the Aadhaar details to make a few extra bucks," he said.
The minister on Monday convened a meeting of district magistrates, officials from the Unique Identification Authority of India and the revenue department, and directed them to identify such contractual staff and take strict against them.