The Chief Minister hit out at Delhi police saying it had "completely failed" to provide safety to the citizens, while urging PM Narendra Modi to "either act himself" or give AAP government the authority over law and order in the capital.
"PM sir, give control of delhi police to del govt for one year. If situation does not improve, take it back...Seeking time to meet LG n PM to discuss women safety in Delhi," he said in a series of tweets.
Kejriwal visited the hospitals where the victims were being treated and said that his government has the requisite funds to take over the control of police and provide security.
"The Central government is saying they don't have money to spend on Delhi police which has 16,000 vacancies. Then why are they keeping the police under them? Give us the control of Delhi Police. We have the funds and we are ready to provide security to the citizens of Delhi," he told media.
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"The only task left with LG and Delhi Police is to interfere in our work. Rather they should focus on the safety and security of women in the capital," he added.
AAP has been at loggerheads with Delhi Police over a number of issues, with the party accusing the force of bias against it on several occasions.