Replying to a written question by BJP member Dilip Ray, Patnaik said, "The government will take action based on the reports of the Odisha Police's Special Investigating Team (SIT) and the Judicial Commission probing the incident."
Patnaik said the incident took place at Gumudumaha village under Baliguda block of Kandhamal district during an anti-Maoist operation by SOG personnel on July 8.
He informed that the state government on July 22 had appointed the District and Sessions Judge, Kandhamal, to head the judicial commission probing the incident.
He said the commission will also suggest the state government on how to avoid such incidents in future.
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Five innocent villagers were killed and seven others injured while they were allegedly caught in crossfire during an anti-Maoist operation.
The villagers were returning to their houses after collecting MGNRGGA payment.
Both the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes and the National Commission for Scheduled Castes have already visited the Gumudumahan village and opined that the police opened fire on the villagers without any provocation.
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