Rosaiah presented the awards to Shiv Sena MP Anandrao Adsul, Maharashtra BJP MP Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, Tamil Nadu Congress MP S S Ramasubbu and BJP MP from Rajasthan Arjan Ram Meghwal, Rama Devi (BJP-Bihar) and Congress MP from Andhra Pradesh, Jhansi Botcha Lakshmi.
The annual awards have been instituted by city-based NGO Prime Point Foundation, a press release here said.
Adsul has raised 1,055 questions in the Lok Sabha with 76 per cent attendance while Ramasubbu 889 questions with 97 per cent attendance till the end of the last sitting of the House in March, the release said.
Devi has raised 518 questions with an attendance of 88 per cent while Lakshmi 345 questions with 90 per cent attendance, the release added.