Education, poverty alleviation, women empowerment, economic independence -- these were the words discussed as prominent social activists gathered to demand restructuring of existing welfare programmes for minorities and enhancement of funds allocated for them.
"A large percentage of Muslims and other minority communities, as a result of insecurity, apathy and poverty, have been totally cut off from modernity and exposure to new ideas. This trend has to be reversed in the upcoming Plan," said social activist Shabnam Hashmi of Anhad.
A series of schemes were included in the 11th Plan for minorities, but many of them could not be implemented due to the "lackadaisical attitude" of the government, she claimed.
"Even schemes specifically intended to benefit Muslims were announced but they did not reach them or only partially reached them. For example, in the 11th Plan, the outlay was Rs 1,400 crore, out of which only about 487 crore have been used up during four years up to 2010-11," Hashmi said.
Hashmi was accompanied by fellow activists Akhtar Hussain, Ramzan Choudhary of Mewat Vikas Sabha and S M Hilal of Foundation for Civil Liberties.
The activists also demanded highest priority be given to educational infrastructure development and formulation of schemes encouraging civil society groups and NGOs to engage with minorities.
"The 12th Plan must include new schemes to neutralise institutional bias to eliminate discrimination, biases and prejudices against minorities. It should focus on education and evolve programmes with special focus on minority women," Hilal said.