The adaptation of 'Arth', which starred Shabana Azmi, hit the stage in March. 'Daddy' marked the filmmaker's daughter Pooja Bhatt's acting debut and will open on August 4 in the capital.
"Many great plays are often made into films so why not try the other way around? It is important to keep theatre alive. Imaginative marketing skills add value to plays and adapting movies into plays is one way to do that. The theatre movement needs a shot in the arm and I think this way it can be done," Bhatt told PTI.
"'Daddy' is a very special film because Pooja made her debut with this film. The story is still contemporary about a dysfunctional family. It makes us realise that children may be young but their level of maturity is way ahead of adults at times. And these are the ingredients that makes this ideal for viewers," he said.
Sharing his experience of directing Pooja in the film for the first time, Bhatt said he asked the actress to be part of the film because she fit the role and not because he wanted to direct his daughter's debut film.
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It was actor Imran Zahid, who came up to Bhatt with the idea to adapt his films into plays. Zahid says they had initially decided to adapt 'Dil Hai Ke Manta Nahin'.
"I came up with the idea and approached Mahesh sir. We had initially thought of adapting 'Dil Hai Ke Manta Nahin' but then we zeroed down on 'Arth' and 'Daddy'. It is a big thing for theatre that such films made by National award-winning director is being adapted on-stage," he said.