In a written reply, I&B Minister M Venkaiah Naidu said 15 advisories and directives were issued since 2012, including the latest on March 10, which said, "All channels are advised to follow the provisions contained in rule 7(10) of the Advertising Code scrupulously".
The rule reads, "All advertisement should be clearly distinguishable from the programme and should not in any manner interfere with the programme viz, use of lower part of the screen to carry captions, static or moving alongside the programme."
To a query on restoration of old film reels, Minister of State for I&B Rajyavardhan Rathore said by the time the National Film Archive of India (NFAI) had come into existence, many films of the silent era were lost and not traceable.
NFAI was established in 1964 to trace, acquire and preserve the heritage of Indian cinema.
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Rathore said since highly inflammable nitrate base were used in films made in the country before 1955, a large number of these were already destroyed and are no longer available.
"Since the campaigns on TV are telecast across the states, wherein the viewer of J&K are in a position to receive the broadcast signals of all TV channels telecast from within or outside the state, there would be hardly any impact on the ground situation," he said.
Audio-visual campaigns, released through DAVP, for pan-India or for state/region are as per the requirement of various ministries in term of focus areas and target groups, among others, Rathore said.