Chief Judicial Magistrate Tiruchirapalli M Sridhar convicted all the four accused and sentenced them to undergo two years rigorous imprisonment and also imposed a fine of Rs 4,500 on each of them, a CBI release said.
The case related to a false claim of Rs four lakh made against the National Insurance Company and was registered following a direction of the Madras High Court.
According to prosecution, Advocate A K Subramanian, alias AK Subbu, along with Pakkirisamy, Karunanidhi and Ilango, conspired to cheat the insurance company by motivating legal heirs of a person who died in a road accident in 2001 and foisted a false Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Original Petition (MCOP) seeking Rs four lakh as compensation.
They also made another person appear as Murugesan before the court to plead guilty, who was eventually convicted and fined by the court.
When the investigation of the case was taken over by CBI, the MCOP case was withdrawn as 'not pressed' by Subramanian.