Abdul Ghani (30) was arrested on Tuesday after it received a tip off that he frequents many shops in Lajpat Nagar Market Part II. His custody was handed over to FRRO for deportation to Afghanistan. He is now lodged in a detention centre at Lampur.
"We had received a complaint from Embassy of Afghanistan on Sunday through the Ministry of External Affairs wherein it was alleged that Ghani has cheated his partner Bashir Ahmed of Rs 21.80 lakhs and has fled to New Delhi to avoid arrest. He has been living in New Delhi for past six months," said Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special Cell) Sanjeev Kumar Yadav.
"Technical surveillance was initiated on the mobile number of Abdul Ghani but the number was switched off on October 26. During investigation, it was ascertained that the caller had made several calls to Lajpat Nagar, Part II, following which a discreet watch was kept in the market. Finally, on Sunday, Ghani was spotted in the market visiting a shop and he was apprehended," said Yadav.