After spending 55 days in CBI and judicial custody in the INX Media corruption case, former finance minister P Chidambaram now faces the prospect of arrest by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) after a city court allowed his interrogation in Tihar jail here on Wednesday in a related money laundering matter.
The order by Special judge Ajay Kumar Kuhar on Tuesday comes just two days before the judicial custody of the 74-year-old Congress veteran was set to expire in the corruption case filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation(CBI).
Since his arrest on August 21, Chidambaram has till Tuesday spent 55 days in custody, in the CBI as well as judicial, in nine spells.
Judge Kuhar allowed the ED to interrogate Chidambaram in Tihar jail on Wednesday, and arrest him, if necessary, in connection with the INX Media money laundering case.
The judge said three ED officials can interrogate Chidambaram after 8:30 am and asked the jail superintendent to make necessary arrangements
After the court passed the order, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta and Special Public Prosecutor Amit Mahajan, appearing for the ED, sought permission to question Chidambaram in some space available in the same Rouse Avenue court premises
The court, however, said: "It's not in the dignity of this person that you interrogate and arrest him here in public view."
The lawyers also submitted that there are no allegations of financial loss or siphoning of funds