The 49-year-old star says age is just a number.
"They're just numbers. And you know what? When you step back from it, it's like: bring it on. I've never been happier and more sound - just... At ease. And that's the greatest birthday gift - the greatest bit about getting old. You're less worried, you're less frenetic about things," Wright told London Evening Standard.
Her Lady Macbeth-like portrayal of first lady Claire Underwood is considered one of the greatest roles created on television and her understated but slick style on the show is much copied.
"'Oh my God, of course, you have to," she said when asked about Botox.
Her advice to avoid the frozen-face look is to not overdo it.
"That's why it's called a sprinkle. I think most women do ten units, but that freezes the face and you can't move it. This is just one unit and it's sprinkled here and there to take the edge off.