The Gujarat High Court has appointed special trial court Judge P C Rawal after special court Judge P B Desai sought transfer when some accused had objected to the conduct of the trial by the latter.
The accused had objected to hearing of the case before Desai stating that Special Public Prosecutor of the case H M Dhruv and the judge are relatives, which could lead to adverse results.
So far, the court has examined around 349 witnesses in connection with the case.
More than 70 accused in the case are in Sabarmati Central Jail here.
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Twenty four of the 75 blast case accused had tried to escape from Sabarmati Central Jail by digging a 218-feet long tunnel in 2012.
The escape plan came to light on February 10, 2012, when jail authorities stumbled upon the tunnel inside jail barrack number four called 'Chhota Chakkar'.
The case related to the jail escape bid is also being tried in a special court at present.