Air India had recently expanded its board and inducted a new director. The selection of the new director was done by the government's Public Enterprises Selection Board (PSEB).
The Indian Commercial Pilots Association (ICPA), which represents narrow-body aircraft pilots of the airline, said in its letter that they had come to understand that the new appointee "had suppressed the facts from Air India management of the FIR filed at Sahar police station Mumbai" and that he was released on bail.
"We as a responsible union feel duty bound to bring this to your notice so that officers with doubtful integrity do not occupy the sensitive and responsible post of functional director in Air India at a time when the government, Air India CMD and the entire workforce is committed in turning around our airline," it said.
An email and text message to Air India for its response on the issue went unanswered.
Apart from the CMD, government representatives and independent directors, the airline board has four functional directors from the areas of finance, personnel, commercial and operations.