Protests were held in different parts of Tamil Nadu following an announcement by party supremo and Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa who had said that the partymen will condemn the Congress-led UPA government "for trying to cede the profit-making public sector undertaking to private players."
Protests, led by senior leaders, were held outside central government offices in district headquarters, including in Chennai.
After slamming the Centre for approving stake dilution in the navaratna PSU, Jayalalithaa had suggested it sell the 5 per cent shares it had proposed to disinvest to state PSUs for preserving the company's public sector character and resolving workers unions' opposition.
The move has been squarely opposed by almost all parties in the state, including DMK, and Jayalalithaa had twice written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh against selling of the stake.
NLC trade unions have threatened to strike work from July 3 protesting the decison.