"In order to ensure that there are no further obstacles to the growth and development of the sport of boxing in India we have decided to create an Ad Hoc Committee, led by Mr Kishen Narsi, to evaluate Boxing India and report to the AIBA Executive Committee on its current status," AIBA President Ching-Kuo Wu wrote in a letter addressed to BI acting chief Meren Paul.
"Once the Ad Hoc Committee report has been received AIBA will proceed to review and consider any issues raised by it. Therefore, I ask that you wait for contact from this Ad Hoc Committee in order to proceed with further steps and I trust that you and the other members of Boxing India will provide your full support and cooperation for the benefit of the sport and the boxers," he added.
"I would like to thank you for your letter dated June 17 as well as attached meeting minutes of Boxing India Executive Committee (of BI). In view of the current BI situation I must say that it is quite disappointing that after AIBA's recognition the federation could not meet its goals, with your council having a vote of no confidence in the elected representatives," Wu said in the letter.
"With regard to this current situation, AIBA will have to take action in order to review and consider the federations' operations management. In accordance with Article 26 of the Olympic Charter AIBA, as an International Federation, is charged with enforcing the rules governing the sport of boxing and ensuring the development of boxing internationally," he said.