At the invitation of All India Football Federation president Praful Patel, the general secretary of AFC Dato Windsor John visited India today and had a discussion on the sport, with AIFF secretary Kushal Das also being in attendance.
It was a follow-up to the earlier meeting which they had on the sidelines of the FIFA Congress in Bahrain in April.
The central part of the discussion revolved around the growth of football in India involving all stakeholders - the players, infrastructure, the national league and the commercial partners.
The meeting, which will be chaired by Dato, will be attended by various AFC directors.
Invitation will also be extended to senior representatives from FIFA's competition department, Sports Ministry, I-League and ISL clubs, AIFF's commercial partner and the Football Players' Association of India.
Patel said: "I need to thank Dato Windsor John for taking the time to spend his day for Indian football and readily accepting our proposal to have an all stakeholders meeting and confirming a date at such short notice.