"It has its failures, drawbacks and impediments but it has substantial achievements too to its credit. The Committee therefore agrees that its growth needs to be fast-tracked.
"This will however remain wishful thinking if the Institute is not granted the requisite functional autonomy in truest sense. The question of autonomy in the context of the Institute needs to be revisited by the Government immediately and powers should be delegated at the Institute-level to facilitate quick decision making and optimal growth as a premier medical university," recommended a Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare in its report submitted in Rajya Sabha today.
The Committee exhorted the Institute to streamline its recruitment policy so as to ensure that before approaching the Government for creation posts, AIIMS should at least ensure that the sanctioned posts are filled up within a targetted timeline.
The issue of Assessment Promotion Scheme (APS) has raked its fair share of controversy and that AIIMS should have framed guidelines for APS before going for it evena sit urged for a review of the scheme.