Singh inaugurated the fourth edition of India Aviation show here, which witnessed one of the biggest aircraft deals being signed between budget carrier SpiceJet and Boeing.
"The government has envisaged an investment of USD 12.1 billion in the airport sector during the 12th plan period (2012-17), of which USD 9.3 billion is expected to come from the private sector for construction of new airports, expansion and modernisation of existing airports and development of low cost airports," Singh said.
India is currently the 9th largest aviation market, handling 121 million domestic and 41 million international passengers with more than 85 international airlines operating to India and 5 domestic carriers connecting over 40 countries.
"The domestic civil aviation industry has systematically evolved over the last 100 years of its existence. The sector is poised to handle 336 million domestic and 85 million international passengers by 2020, which will make the country the third largest aviation market. The commercial fleet size is expected to grow from 400 today to 1,000 by then," he said.
A number of global players have entered Indian aerospace manufacturing, ground handling, training and capacity building, cargo and MRO industry, he added.
"Civil aviation Industry in India is experiencing a new era of expansion driven by factors such as Low Cost Carriers (LCC), modern airports, FDI in domestic airlines, cutting edge information technology interventions, growing emphasis on regional connectivity, increasing involvement of of private participation under PPP and the policy of developing greenfield airports..."civil aviation secretary Ashok Lavasa said during the event.