Alleging that the Centre was trying to amend labour laws to favour foreign companies and corporates, he told reporters here that these proposed laws would seriously affect the rights of lakhs of workers in all sectors.
A strategy will be chalked out to fight the proposed measures, he said.
Pandian, the reception committee chairman for the meet, alleged that the Centre was trying to amend the Bonus Act and deprive the right of unions in Special Economic Zones.
The conference will also demand that the Centre fix a minimum salary of Rs 15,000 for the workers, as thousands were taken on contract by corporates and large indutries, he said.
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(Reopens BES3)
More than 600 delegates are expected to participate in the conference. It includes 150 delegates from Maharashtra and as many as 50 from the private sector, additional secretary, department of administrative reforms and public grievances Usha Sharma said.
System, Vienna, Austria, said, "Reducing the number of future crime does not only depend on more successful prisoner's rehabilitation, but also on social reintegration of those released and better anti-victimization strategies and policies, starting with early prevention."
Susan Edwards of Law School, Buckingham University, United Kingdom, urged the media, and all agencies and authorities concerned, to rethink and re-examine their duties towards, and representation of, schoolgirls and young women caught in the web of online terrorist recruitment by the ISIS.
The central theme of the Congress focused on the criminological opportunities; challenges of the 21st century, simultaneous panel discussions focused on critical issues pertaining to extremism, terrorism; warfare; mass violence and its impact on society, victimization of vulnerable populations; crimes against women and children, etc.
"We are delighted by the enthusiastic participation of
over 700 participants from 50 countries from across the world. I would like to thank Prof. Emilio C. Viano and his colleagues from ISC for giving us the opportunity to co-host this conference and the delegates or their participation," noted Prof. Kumar in his closing remarks.
Prof. Dr. Emilio Viano, President International Society of Criminology, said, "The 18th congress has been a successful attempt at debating and attempting to address some of the most cogent challenges and serious problems affecting our world today. As experts, we stand committed and renew our commitment to good research, professional advancements, and more importantly, to the values of decency and human rights for all.