Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Thursday asked the Uttar Pradesh government to deliver food to children, who were getting it under the mid-day meal scheme, and offered services of his party workers for its distribution on bicycles.
"The government should immediately make arrangements of delivering food for children, who were getting nutritious meals under mid-day meal scheme, at thier home. If leaving aside politics, government takes any decision, SP organisation and workers spread in villages could do this distribution on their cycles. We are ready," he said in a tweet in Hindi.
In another tweet, he asked the government to clarify how much food stock it had to prevent stocking by people.
"The government should clarify how much food material it has and for how many days so that the people should avoid unnecessary storage. The work of preparing 'atta' (flour) from wheat should be started on a war footing and industrial units related to it should be immediately started. The people should also practice restraint," the former UP chief minister said.