Actor John Abraham, whose upcoming film "Satyameva Jayate" will clash with Akshay Kumar starrer "Gold" on August 15, today said the two films can release on the same day as the stories are different.
This Independence Day three films will be clashing at the box office - "Satyameva Jayate", "Gold" and "Yamla Pagla Deewana Phir Se", which stars Dharmendra, Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol.
"Akshay is a friend, I wish him the best. Two films can release on the same day as both the films are of different genres," John told reporters here at the trailer launch of "Satyameva Jayate".
Director Milap Zaveri said, "I wish 'Gold' all the best. I wish and hope all the films that are releasing on August 15 get positive response and do good business."
Calling Bajpayee as an "institution of acting", the "Parmanu" actor said, "He is one of the greatest actors we have in Hindi cinema. Sharing screen time with him is special. For people like me, working with Manoj Bajpayee is like watching a film."