Bollywood star Akshay Kumar on Tuesday tweeted External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj to take speedy measures for evacuation of Indians stuck in Juba, South Sudan.
The city is witnessing escalated violence due to clashes between anti and pro government forces. India has been putting in place an evacuation plan for its nationals from the war-torn country.
In the movie "Airlift," the 48-year-old actor played Indian businessman Ranjit Katyal, who lead the the evacuation of his countrymen based in Kuwait during the invasion by Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
Swaraj, who is known for her prompt replies on the micro-blogging site, assured the government is working for the same.
"Akshay Kumar ji - Please do not worry. We are evacuating Indian nationals from Juba (South Sudan)," she wrote.
On July 10, Indian embassy in South Sudan had asked Indians stranded there to stay calm and assured them that they are in constant touch with authorities in the home country.
The city is witnessing escalated violence due to clashes between anti and pro government forces. India has been putting in place an evacuation plan for its nationals from the war-torn country.
In the movie "Airlift," the 48-year-old actor played Indian businessman Ranjit Katyal, who lead the the evacuation of his countrymen based in Kuwait during the invasion by Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
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Requesting the minister, Akshay wrote, "@SushmaSwaraj Ma'am request for speedy measures and actions to evacuate Indians stranded in Sudan. Prayers with them. SaveIndiansInJuba."
Swaraj, who is known for her prompt replies on the micro-blogging site, assured the government is working for the same.
"Akshay Kumar ji - Please do not worry. We are evacuating Indian nationals from Juba (South Sudan)," she wrote.
On July 10, Indian embassy in South Sudan had asked Indians stranded there to stay calm and assured them that they are in constant touch with authorities in the home country.