The film, which required Rs 30 lakh to complete the post production phase, received half the amount through online channel Muvizz.Com that later took the movie for crowd-funding to raise the remaining amount.
The balance sum was raised in a two-month-long crowd-funding campaign, which will be used for the post production, animation and VFX of the film.
"We believe that the audiences out there have an eye for good content and creative cinema. Muvizz caters to cult classic and independent cinema, which is another reason why we backed the movie 'Albert Pinto Ko Gussa Kyun Aata Hai'," said Abhayanand Singh, founder, Muvizz.Com in a statement.
Remake of the 1980 cult film that had Naseeruddin Shah, Shabana Azmi and Smita Patil, also features Saurabh Shukla and is awaiting a release date.