The 33-year-old actor said he can't dance and was pleased a scene in romantic drama 'Endless Love' did not require him to have the best moves, reported Contactmusic.
"I can't dance, that's the thing. I can't dance or sing, I can barely act. They asked me to dance in 'Magic Mike'. I was like, 'Alright, fine, I'm going to waddle'.
"In 'Endless Love' there's a scene - which actually, by me not being able to dance works well - they said, 'We want you to do this dance scene.' I was like, 'Is there going to be a movie where I'm not dancing next, please?'," he said.
"I did have a partner in Magic Mike, it was Matt Bomer, and Matt's amazing, he's got that rhythm and he's an incredible singer.