Congress president Rahul Gandhi Saturday took a swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying all 'chowkidaars' are not thieves, but only 'desh ka chowkidaar' is a thief.
Addressing a Congress rally here, Gandhi said 'chowkidaars' (watchmen) come to him and complain about the slogan 'chowkidaar chor hain' (watchmen are thieves).
They say they are not thieves but honest people, and ask me to change the slogan, the Congress chief said.
"I tell them not to get worried, the entire country knows that when we say 'chowkidaar chor hain' its meant that we are talking about Prime Minister Narendra Modi," Gandhi said,
He said, "One chowkidaar has defamed all the chowkidaars."