When the PIL filed by ST Manonmani came up before the First Bench, comprising Chief Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Justice Pushpa Satnyanarayana, a second additional report was filed by the two member committee, comprising Advocate commissioners P.T. Asha and P Sunder.
The First Bench had on July 27 last appointed the committee and directed it to inspect the Anna Centenary Library, built by the previous DMK Regime at Kotturpuram, near here, and file a report.
When the case came up today, a second report was filed by the committee and also a compliance report was filed by the government with regarding to the deficiencies that were pointed out by the committee in its earlier report.
The committee, after an inspection, said there were certain aspects yet to be attended.
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All deficiencies pointed in the maintenance of Anna Centenary Library would be attended towithin 30 days, the state government informed the court.
The Director of Public Libraries submitted proposals for upgradation of books, creation of e-library and palm-leaf sections and for renting out the auditorium, conference hall, seminar hall, amphi-theatre and food court only on December 1, 2015. The proposals are now being examined by the government.
Petitioner's senior counsel P Wilson contended that still certain key-posts remained vacant and books are not up dated, e-library and palm-leaf sections are not created.
The bench, while directing that the aspects arising from the report, if not remedied within a month, the Principal Secretary, School Education Department, shall remain present again in court and posted the matter for further hearing to February 26.