Former Jammu and Kashmir Finance Minister Altaf Bukhari on Wednesday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take measures to evacuate the residents of Jammu and Kashmir stranded in China's Hubei province and its capital city Wuhan after the outbreak of Coronavirus.
Bukhari also requested the Union Ministry of External Affairs to make special arrangements for the safe evacuation of Indians, who are mostly students and professionals.
The former minister gave the particulars of 32 student and demanded that they be brought home in a special flight, he said.
It seems that the ground situation in Wuhan has worsened. I have information about 32 students who study in Hubei University of Medicine in Shiyan City," Bukhari said.
He said the students are safe but fear they may contract the virus while being evacuated.
Bukhari also requested the PM to give necessary directions to Indian Embassy in China to act proactively and provide necessary assistance to the residents of J&K.