Punjab Congress chief Capt Amarinder Singh on thursday hailed the Delhi High Court judgement holding that the Lt Governor and not the Chief Minister is the administrative head of the Union Territory.
"Kejriwal tried to bite more than he could chew, by conveniently choosing to ignore the fact that every government is bound by certain legal and constitutional limitations," he said, adding, "in the process he forgot his actual role, thus leaving the people who elected him in the lurch, besides undermining the administrative structure there".
"He (Kejriwal) had apparently wanted legal stamp on his dictatorial way of functioning, wherein he wanted to usurp the powers of the Lt Governor also which the court has rightly dismissed," he said.
The Pradesh Congress Committee president said, "There have been chief ministers in Delhi before Kejriwal also belonging to different political parties. They never faced any problems or cried victimhood even when there were different parties ruling at the centre, as they restricted themselves to the role they had been elected for."
"However, when someone gets overambitious, the problems are bound to rise and Kejriwal's only alibi was to always cry persecution and victimhood," he said, while maintaining that instead of eying others' powers and authority, he should get down to business and perform the role he has been elected for.