The Lok Sabha MP said, "South Africa visit was like a "teerth-yatra" (pilgrimage) for him as he had an opportunity to meet the people who struggled for equality."
"You better take another 'teerth-yatra' to Una town in your home state and meet those Dalit boys and others, who are not only struggling, but continue to suffer every day of their life," he said in statement here.
The former chief minister said Modi wants every Indian to celebrate the Independence Day.
"That every Indian is already doing for the last 69 years and nobody needs to be reminded about that," he said adding, "but what about those who are feeling frightened and threatened like those Dalit boys of Gujarat."
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"Either you are ignorant about what is happening in the country or you deliberately chose not to condemn the atrocities on Dalits for the reasons best known to you," he said.
The Deputy Leader of Congress in Lok Sabha said while Modi talked of innovation in technology, he should also have talked about "innovating and liberating the sectarian and parochial mindsets which do not see fellow human beings as humans".
"Culture of innovation and entrepreneurship is good but what about the culture of tolerance and harmony which we seem to be losing fast thanks to your silence about the violence by vigilante groups who have unleashed a reign of terror on Dalits and minorities", he said.